Compassionate City Awards 2022 – Meeting Point nominated!

Proud and delighted to find out that we have been nominated for a Jo Cox award at the Leeds Compassionate City Awards 2022!

The Jo Cox award goes to ‘an individual or organisation who have gone above and beyond to unite and bring different communities together, supported newer communities to feel welcome or championed issues which help to create more integrated and inclusive communities’.

Meeting Point Celebrates!

To celebrate the work of Meeting Point, particularly during the pandemic, the volunteers and trustees surprised staff with a special celebratory drop-in and presentation event last week.

It was a very special and memorable afternoon with thanks given to all those who have made are continued work possible – and that includes all who follow, donate and share!

Here are some photos of the day, as well as an article that was featured in the diocese newsletter. Thank you to everyone who was involved! 🥰…/church-based-charity…

Project Update

We have had a number of enquiries about our role in supporting refugees from Ukraine. As yet we have not had any Ukrainians through the doors seeking support. The Homes for Ukraine scheme has been slow to mobilise (not through lack of volunteers) and it is unclear what role the third sector in Leeds will play in it. As with any refugees and asylum seekers seeking our support, the doors of Meeting Point will be open to them if and when they need us.

The drop-in will be closed on Easter Monday (18th April) and will reopen on Monday 25th April to include a social ‘cafe’ space again.

Judith was interviewed recently interviewed for The Guardian newspaper as part of an article on period poverty in the UK. You can read it here:

Thank you to all our supporters and donors. We really couldn’t do any of this without you!

Christmas Appeal

Meeting Point has remained open every week in 2021, supporting refugees and asylum seekers through the ups and downs of the pandemic.

It’s been a tough year for us all but for those in society who already started the crisis marginalised and disadvantaged, it has been even harder.

We are wanting to make this Christmas special in some way for everyone and so are launching our Christmas appeal with that in mind.

Please consider gifting the following items for us to distribute:

New winter warmers: Socks/ gloves/ scarves

Toiletries gift sets

 Financial donations: Donate financially to Meeting Point via the donate page on the website or by getting in touch with us. Your funds will help us continue our vital front line work.

 Thank you so much