Weekly Drop-in, Mondays 2.15pm – 5.00pm @ Christ Church.

Our drop-in provides a safe and welcoming environment, operating appropriately with any Covid safety precautions we feel are necessary. We provide refreshments and a hot meal; fresh and dried food parcels and a nearly new shop; confidential advocacy and support; conversation; computer and internet use; activities and children’s arts and crafts.

Women’s Group Wednesdays 12.15pm-2.15pm @ Christ Church

Women’s Group offers a range of activities including knitting, sewing, cooking, arts and crafts, singing, computer use outings and more. We provide a holistic space to improve women’s well-being, build self-confidence and self-esteem and develop new skills. It is open to all refugee and asylum seeking woman and children who attend Meeting Point and it is advised that women register with the project on a Monday in order to book on for the group.

Please email for further information.

English Classes: Mondays 1.00-2.00pm and Wednesdays 10.15am-11.45pm @ Christ Church

English classes are free and are run by our trained volunteers. No referral is needed but you do need to be registered with Meeting Point to attend. Please email for more information.


We offer various volunteering opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering for Meeting Point, please email