We fed around 50 people yesterday with a food parcel and a take away hot meal. Some collected from Christ Church, others had a delivery.
Thank you so much to everyone who has enabled us to continue – with encouragement, food, financial donations and offers of volunteering! We will continue doing as much as we can for as long as we can!

Open for food distribution

Meeting Point will be distributing a hot meal and food parcels from Christ Church from 3pm on Monday.

Please do attend if you are a refugee or asylum seeker.

If you are self-isolating or cannot reach us for any other reason, please call the office to speak about a delivery. 0113 279 6700.

Thank you!

Meeting Point provision – update

Like everyone, we are having to adapt what and how we deliver as a service but want to continue supporting clients in whatever way we safely can.

From Monday we are having to suspend the large social Monday drop-in, English classes and the Women’s Group.

However, we are still going to be on site on Mondays and Wednesdays and on a Monday we will be distributing food parcels, toiletries and a hot meal (to take away) to refugees and asylum seekers that attend. This will take place from 3pm at Christ Church.

What additional support we are able to offer will develop over the coming weeks, so watch this space for any updates.

Importantly – WE STILL NEED DONATIONS!!! Not clothing at present, but any food or toiletries will be very much appreciated.

Thank you for all the support and let’s continue doing as much as we can for as long as we can!