As we slowly transition out of full lockdown here is a brief update on activities at Meeting Point.
Christ Church has started to reopen for limited services and activities and it will be nice to have the building back in fuller use again.
In terms of Meeting Point activities, things are not going to change dramatically at the moment. We have already begun allowing more beneficiaries in at a time to the socially distanced drop-in, as well as beginning to give out some clothing and household goods. Everything is done safely and in accordance with government guidelines and we are trying to retain some kind of normality and continuity for beneficiaires.
Deliveries are gradually being reduced. We are encouraging single people to attend in person to collect their food parcels etc but appreciate it is difficult for families with the children not at school and so are continuing delivering to families for the month of August, before reassessing again.
We are beginning to consider the possibility of some small group work starting in September – English classes being the most obvious to start with, though of course the working arrangements of them will have to change somewhat. Other small group activities are likely to be more possible as the weeks go on and we will continue to keep you updated on any developments.
Huge thanks again to everyone who has supported during this difficult time so far. Your help, support and encouragement has kept us going!